On the 5th and 6th October 2023 “The 2nd International Doctoral Colloquium on Sustainable Development”, DOC-ME’2023, will take place in Montenegro, in Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, University of Montenegro, organized by the University of Montenegro. Doctoral Colloquium or Doctoral Symposium is an event aimed in developing and mentoring PhD students. It provides a unique opportunity for Montenegrin, Albanian, Western Balkan and International PhD students to receive in-depth feedback on their (ongoing) research from fellow PhD students, leading academicians and researchers as well as from non-academic sector representatives. Additionally, the Colloquium provides students with a unique opportunity to master the methodology of presenting scientific paper or research proposal toward target groups and stakeholders. All contributions should be prepared according to the instructions. They will be revised by competent reviewers, corrected, and finally published in Colloquium Proceedings. Papers can be presented on-line or in-venue. If epidemiological conditions allow, in-venue is preferred.
- sustainable development, all aspects,
- specific part of the research performed in natural, technical, social, multidisciplinary sciences and arts related to sustainable development,
- applied research in sustainable development, services and products,
- case studies in sustainable development,
- initiatives, ideas, project reports and
- other contributions that may be interesting for the scientific and professional audience in sustainable development
Interested PhD students can submit the following types of contributions:
- Regular paper
- Short paper
- Correspondences
The contribution should include the following aspects (Sections):
- Abstract
- Introduction (the research area, problem definition)
- Problem background (state of the art, literature /theory)
- Methodology ( including description of the empirical study )
- Results (including ongoing, quantitative, qualitative, comparison)
- Further work
- Conclusion (with discussions)
- References
- Short CV
Regular paper should be 4-12 pages long and consists all above aspects.
Short paper is 1-3 pages long contribution, containing the following sections (Abstract; Problem definition and background; Methodology and preliminary results; Further work and Conclusions; References (2-3)) Correspondence, 1-2 page long with following Sections (Abstract; Problem definition, background, research methodology and our progress, Future works and Conclusions; Link to web resources of the research (if any). All, Regular papers, short papers and correspondences should be strictly done in proposed format (template). Papers that are not properly formatted will be rejected. The official language for contributions and presentations is English.
DOC-ME template (Word)
Contributions the submission should be done via:
Submission form
All accepted papers which are defended (presented) at Colloquium will be published in serial publication Proceedings of Doctoral Colloquium (Online), ISSN 2989-2511.
Doctoral Colloquium 2022 Proceedings
Doc-Me 2023 Repository (submitted papers)
“Recommended citation example” Boskovic, N., Petrovic, A., & Jovanovic, M. D. (2022).
The way of success, Proceedings of Doctoral Colloquium DOC-ME, ME, 1(1), pp. 1-4, https://www.mards.ucg.ac.me/PhD/Proccedings2022
Paper submissions (all categories): 14 September 2023
Final submissions (all categories): 30 September 2023
The registration for the 2nd DOC-ME is free of charge for MARDS’ PhD Programmes. Other participants should pay 100 EUR for publishing costs. The participant is obliged to cover the costs of accommodation and food for the duration of the conference from his/her own resources or from the resources of the project on which he/her is engaged.
Please access and download the preliminary programme:
Committees and Organizers
Research and Editorial Committee:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanović, Montenegro, Chair
Prof. dr Veljko Milutinović, Montenegro, Research Chair
Dr. Lucas Zinner, Austria, Vice-Chair
Prof. dr Melita Kovačević, Croatia
Prof. dr Alexandra Bitusikova, Slovakia
Prof. dr Matjaž Debevc, Slovenia
Prof. dr Andrej Škraba, Slovenia
Prof. dr Nedeljko Latinović, Montenegro
Prof. dr Biljana Šćepanović, Montenegro
Prof. dr Tatijana Dlabac, Montenegro
Prof. dr Jovan Mirković, Montenegro
Prof. dr Vesna Maraš, Montenegro
Prof. dr Kristofor Lapa, Albania
Prof. dr Željko Jaćimović, Montenegro
Prof. dr Mladen Perazić, Montenegro
Prof. dr Nela Milošević, Montenegro
Prof. dr Dušanka Bošković, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. dr Danijela Milošević, Serbia
Prof. dr Nikolaos Voros, Greece
Prof. dr Milan Prokin, Serbia
Prof. dr Darko Babunovski, North Macedonia
Prof. dr Žilbert Tafa, Kosovo
Organizational Committee
Dejan Lučić, Chair
Helga Sallaku
Azra Vuković
Dragana Pantović Nikčević
Dejan Zejak
Marina Šćepanović
Maša Jovanović
Željko Kalezić
Branislav Proročić
Anja Babić
Nikola Bajović
Place and Venue
Kotor is amazing city in most unique natural attractions of the Mediterranean, Bay of Kotor and Boka Bay. Faculty of Maritime Studies is located in a classic building, right next to the wonderful promenade.

University of Montenegro
University of Vienna
University of Zagreb
University of Banska Bistrica
University of Maribor
University of Vlore
University of Donja Gorica
Montenegrin Chamber of Commerce
Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro

ERASMUS+ MARDS Project, 598465-EPP-1-2018-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Funded by:

Visual Identity
Links and Contacts
📧 doc.colloquium@gmail.com